India is considered to be the homeland of mash (mung bean), wherefrom it widely spread across Asia – China, Pakistan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Korea…

In ancient China the useful features of this legume were actively used in culinary, medicine and cosmetology.

In his treatises, Avicenna wrote…

Avicenna – the renowned scientist of the ancient Orient wrote about medicinal properties of mung bean in his treatises.

Mash, like any legume, is rich in plant protein, valuable cellular tissue, vitamins, and minerals, which produce strength and energy for the whole day.

It contains plenty of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, which support the functioning of the brain, heart, and nerve system, improve memory and vision, strengthen bones and joints.

Mung bean is notable…

Mung bean is unique by virtually no fat content as opposed to many other legumes. In soaking and boiling these fats disappear altogether, while its energy content is retained.

Many nutrition experts recommend it as the great means for cleansing the body and health. Rich content of iron and macronutrients in the mung bean may be compared to meat, thus, it is consumed by the vegetarians and fasting individuals.

Mung bean porridge is a real pearl of the Oriental cuisine. But it is merely small part of culinary miracles involving it.